...and the nominees are...

Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 5:34 AM UTC

Nominations for IBM Champion election are open until Sep 22th, 2014 0:00pm CT so it's time to show appreciation to the people who share and care by blogging things, sharing solutions or providing any other kind of help and cooperations. This is a very "young" program (at least for the ICS branch of IBM) and this year I read some contemplative posts about the whole process of nomination itself. The one that I think that describes it best can be found here.

The general criteriae for me to nominate someone are versatile but first of all I appreciate valuable work and effort that helps me in my daily business to solve problems and to create better applications. Also communication takes a big part and also sympathy. So if I miss someone in my list it's not because the prior criterae don't fit to you. So there is always a chance to be on "my list" next time. I am sure you are on someone else's list.

I stated that I will publish my IBM Champions nominations, so here are my nominees I voted for and why I did it:

  • Knut Herrmann
    For his numerous contributions on Stackoverflow
  • David Leedy
    For his effort in providing us NotesIn9 and to give us a chance to contribute, too!
  • Mark Leusink
    For his engagement to the Bootstrap4XPages plugin
  • Brad Balassaitis
    For his very frequent blog posting
  • Paul Withers
    As I receive mails from him from Github enhancements on OpenNTF API on a daily basis and his detailed blog posts
  • Jesse Gallagher
    For blogging about stuff I even don't understand but may come in handy at a time. I like geeks!
  • Kenio Carvalho & Per Henrik Lausten
    For being one of the peeps that still keep moderating entries on CollaborationToday
  • John Oldenburger
    For providing us nearly around the clock with IBM news on Twitter and Google+
  • Mark Roden
    For experimental stuff that even I'm going to understand and like to play around with - sooner or later
  • Fredrik Norling
    For sharing his knowledge frequently on his blog on various topics - dev and admin
  • Frank van der Linden
    For blogging about some "unusual" ways to do something, tools you want to use afterwards and innovative solutions
  • Eric McCormick
    He started a blog this year and every post is valuable and innovative for XPages and web developers

[to be continued until Sep 22th]

If I could I would also nominate the people of the whole IBM Ireland team that deal with XPages & Co as they are cool and generous, providing us with great new stuff - and because they are from Ireland Cool Some of them I met in person last year and the 5 days in Dublin in the labs were so inspiring.

p.s.: I didn't created that article to encourage you to nominate me, it's just for transparency purposes.

I forgot someone? let me know in the comments!

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