With code drop 5 HCL just published new versions of Domino and Notes. This version is all about the client.
Whenever a client installation is about to be tested, I suck. Or the installer sucks. Or Windows with the crappy architecture sucks again. I don't know. However, I was NOT able to install the 64bit version of the Notes-Designer-Admin package, the 32bit finally worked. I hate this InstallAnywhere crap.
Notes for macOS is working again with macOS 12.6 but still has some issues. All documented in the EAP forum - check it out if you didn't already.
The thing I want to emphasise on is the Restyler which is now available in the client as well - and not only with Nomad Web (which makes more sense tbh).

Besides this there is a new option for the workspace background image (called "Dark") which is... erm... weird. Don't use it.