Man, what a 36 hours!
We had the V10 product launch, well celebrated yesterday in Frankfurt (Germany) and perfectly streamed for all us home-bound spectators. Thanks for that, it was very entertaining!
This day’s morning I downloaded all available packages of V10 which included the server for Windows and Linux and the clients for Windows only - no Mac client at the moment. The IBM AppDev Pack which contains all the Node.js related stuff was only available via the beta forum - it should have been, I wasn’t able to download it at all. But thanks to a friend from the yellow bubble I got it anyway.
Node.js is currently only available for Linux servers - I am happy with that as I prefer Linux over Windows. The installation worked like a charm, the so called „Proton“ addin now runs on my V10 server in a VM - without SSL and authentication, which is fine for testing only.
During the past few hours I was able to use a native Node.js app to create and read data from a database (the shipped demo and also from my own NSF which is my blog). I am not an experienced Node.js developer but I managed to create a simple app that displays data in a list and a single document once you click on an entry. I used DQL to fetch the data.
There are some things I learned today:
- promises and async are king
- bulkReadDocuments only retrieves 200 entries
- getting MIME from a field is currently not documented and doesn't work as expected
- EJS as template engine is great and smoother than e.g. Jade (just my 2 cents)

I put up a repo for you to maybe get an idea of how I worked it out. It’s not the sexiest code of all times but it works. Keep in mind that I use my blog NSF as the source so your results may vary.
You can grab it here to maybe get some inspirations: